Saturday, July 24

Upcoming Mix & Match Event with Preview and OKC!

The 2-year celebration is right around the corner at Digi Design Resort. As part of the celebration there will be a Mix & Match Event. The participating designers will all make kits with the same color palette and theme, Reach For The Stars. I made a full collection for the event! The Reach For The Stars Collection includes: an Element Pak, a Paper Pak, an Embellished Words Pak and an Alpha Pak. As always these are available as individual packs or save 25% by purchasing the Complete Kit (includes Paper Pak and Element Pak) or save 35% by buying the Collection Pak (includes the Paper Pak, Element Pak, Embellished Words Pak and Alpha Pak).

I'm giving you a sneak peek at the collection, but not much more. You will have to wait until Friday, July 31st for the rest of the details and to be able to purchase the collection. I will tell you though, I will have special pricing in effect for the event!

Take a look at this enchanting collection:

I have put out a OKC (one kit call) for a few digital scrap layout artists that would be interested in providing layouts using this collection. You receive the collection for free. I must be able to use the layouts for promotion of the collection. Email me with a link to your most complete gallery at .

 Be sure to look for the details on the 31st!  If you look on the right-hand side of my blog there is a "networked Blogs" box. Click on the "follow" button to always have the latest information. Meanwhile happy scrapping!
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