Monday, August 1

The August Blog Train Has Arrived!

All aboard the August Blog Train. This month we have a designer's choice theme and a common color palette as always. The theme I went with was "Summer's End." Inspired by the last days of summer; warm lazy days spent soaking up the sun rays, trying to catch a cool breeze and lingering over lemonade. Wanting it to last forever but knowing colder days are right around the corner. Your free mini kit includes 3 papers, 4 elements and 1 piece of word art. I fell in love with this color palette and theme so created a coordinating collection as well! Now you have everything you need to scrap those special moments that make up the summers we dream of!

Your download is from It is a secure bulk file service with no ads or waiting time and of coarse no worries about viruses!  The link for the blog train free mini kit will expire on August 31, 2011.

You have arrived here from: Jill DZines
You are at:  Colleen Lynch, Digital ARTchives

Grab it here!

Don't forget about the enclosed coupon code, it expires August 31, 2011.

Now take a minute to look at the coordinating Summer's End Collection in my store now. The Summer's End Collection includes: an Element Pak, a Paper Pak, a Quick Cluster Frame Pak, a Quick Paper Stack Pak, an Embellished Words Pak and an Alpha Pak. As always these are available as individual packs or save 25% by purchasing the Complete Kit (includes Paper Pak and Element Pak) or save 35% by buying the Collection Pak (includes the Paper Pak, Element Pak, Embellished Words Pak and Alpha Pak).

August 1st through August 5th look for special introductory pricing on Summer's End for even more savings!
Grab It Here!

Grab It Here!

Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!
Grab It Here!

And don't forget about the Watercolor Memories [Rewind] Collection. The Watercolor Memories Rewind Collection was loosely inspired by the song "The Way We Were" sung by Barbara Streisand. I thought it was such a wonderful way to describe the way our mind works with our memories. In the beginning they are vivid and fresh and as time goes on they fade to a softer, water colored image of the happier times.

The Watercolor Memories Rewind Collection includes: an Element Pak, a Paper Pak, a Specialty Paper Pak, a Quick Cluster Frame Pak, a Quick Paper Stack Pak, an Embellished Words Pak, a Word Frames Pak and an Alpha Pak. As always these are available as individual packs or save 25% by purchasing the Complete Kit (includes Paper Pak and Element Pak) or save 35% by buying the Collection Pak (includes the Paper Pak, Element Pak, Embellished Words Pak and Alpha Pak).
Grab It Here!

The Extras

Our new Free w/Purchase – Birthday Party Collaboration Kit

This HUGE kit is free with any purchase of $30 (limited time ONLY)

But for all of you who just need the one or two parts, we broke this HUGE kit into three pieces. FREE with purchase of $10…. (you can add ONE part with every $10 you spend)!

Birthday Bash Lottery
Whatever you buy from now until August 15th will be a LOTTERY Ticket for our Birthday Bash with GORGEOUS prizes. Your order number will be your ticket number, we´ll let Mr. Random choose on August, 16th and announce the winners in August 16th Newsletter! The MORE often you buy (even for small amounts, there is no minimum) the more tickets you have!

1st prize – the BRAND NEW Artist Studio DVD 6 – NOT YET released – value $180

2nd prize – gift coupon for all Digidesignresort Collaboration Kits, Grab bags, Specials about $30

3rd prize – one Artist Studio DVD of your choice

4th prize – Safari Lounge Intermediate Class – learn how to become a designer

5th prize – Safari Lounge Beginner Class – learn how to become a designer

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog on this incredible August Blog Train! Have fun as you explore the other free mini kits available in this month's blog train.

Your next stop is: Delicious Scraps
If you get lost: Blog Train Blog

There is a complete list of participating designers and their blog address should you get lost.

Happy Scrapping!

Colleen Lynch,
Digital ARTchives Pin It


Jen Strange said...

thanks! beautiful stuff!!!
- jen

Trish H. said...

GORGEOUS!! Thanks for joining us this month!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovely contribution.

KatherineWoodin said...

Thanks for your part of the great blog train.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous download, and by the end of this month the whole kitnkaboodle will be mine too, it's awesome! Thank you!

Helen said...

Thank you for the free mini kit!! ♥

Nicole said...

Your collections are beautiful! Thanks for the freebie!

Anonymous said...

Thanx so much for contributing your talents!

Kudos for NOT using 4shared!

kc71595 said...

Thank you for the beautiful kit! And thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us. I LOVE the color scheme this month!

Colleen Lynch said...

Thanks so much ladies for your kind comments! I read each one and it always brings me joy to know you are enjoying the free moni kit. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

NanaScraps said...

thank you so much for your part to this awesome train(a special ty if you didn't use 4share-wait time is now 590 secs!UGH!!!!)

Donna said...

THANKS for sharing your lovely work!!!

boop52245 said...

Thanks for your gorgeous gift love it

nela said...

Thank you very much for sharing!

Colleen Lynch said...

Thank you for your kind comments.I so appreciate you taking the time. I absolutely hate rapid an terrible virus with a download that wiped out my computer...even with the latest virus software, ugh! So that's why I purchase services from YouSendIt. Free or not I try to treat my customers like I would like to be treated, so enjoy!

Christine said...

Thank you for your lovely contribution to this blog train. The speedy download is also very much appreciated. Thank you!

Pam said...

At the end of this month's blog train and loving this! Thank you!

LucindaJ said...

Love the floral paper, Thanks!!

MonkingsMusings said...

Thank you!

Sue said...

Really pretty kit, thank you very much