Saturday, October 8

DDR Newsletter Freebie For You!

Today's DDR Newsletter Freebie is a unique quick page made with my Mystic Canyon Collection. The background paper is an example of one of the paper stacks in the Mystic Canyon Paper Stack Pak, however the quick page's cluster frame is different than the ones contained in the Mystic Canyon Cluster Frame Pak. It was made using the Mystic Canyon Element Pak though. Both the Cluster Frame and Paper Stack Paks are being released with weekend with special introductory prices for a limited time! So don't miss out pick up these "quick" paks today!


If you aren't subscribed to the DDR newsletter, just find the blue box in the right-hand side of my blog and click on it to subscribe and get an adorable free kit as well! Stay informed of all the fabulous freebies, sales, new releases and community happenings!

Mystic Canyon New Release Quick Paks

25% OFF

25% Off

Mystic Canyon Collection

35% Off

25% Off

The Mystic Canyon Collection includes: an Element Pak, a Paper Pak, a Specialty Paper Pak, a Quick Cluster Frame Pak, a Quick Paper Stack Pak, an Embellished Words Pak and an Alpha Pak. As always these are available as individual packs or save 25% by purchasing the Complete Kit (includes Paper Pak and Element Pak) or save 35% by buying the Collection Pak (includes the Paper Pak, Element Pak, Embellished Words Pak and Alpha Pak).

Don't forget about the DDR free-with-purchase kit starting at just a $10 purchase! In addition the DDR Collaboration kits are a fantastic bargain with creations from some of the industry's top designer! Links are always at the top along the left-hand side of the DDR store.

If you haven't picked up your October Blog Train Freebie, scroll down to the October 1st entry and grab your free mini kit that coordinates with today's freebie and my Mystic Canyon Collection.

I hope you enjoy your free quick page today! If you like what you see here, please follow my blog. Just find the "Networked Blogs" link on the right-hand side of my blog and click the follow button. Every month I have freebies, new releases, sales announcements, coupon codes and of course inspirational layouts! Ever other month I do a blog train free mini kit, so don't miss a thing...come follow me today!

Happy Scrapping!

Colleen Lynch,
Digital ARTchives

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CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Oct. 08, 2011. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [08 Oct 09:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria